The God of The Bible


Knowing God is the greatest knowledge that can enter the mind and heart of man; and to know God Himself, is far greater than the knowledge of His works. 

Knowing God Himself Blog

This Blog is a study on what theologians call the Incommunicable Attributes of God. This term refers to certain qualities of God’s being and nature which are not shared with us or any other created being. These are the aspects of His being which set Him apart from all other beings, visible and invisible. As we take time to consider these attributes of God, we are contemplating the qualities that give insight, revelation and understanding into the very nature and character of God.

The Self-Revealing God Blog

This Blog begins with a word study on the most often used word for God, and then moves on to examine how God first made Himself known to Adam and then to the patriarchs and prophets. I believe this study will help us understand how Torah observant believers in the first century could embrace Jesus of Nazareth as God in the flesh; alongside the God of Israel without violating the scripture and their adherence to The One True God.

This blog introduces the Old Testament roots of Trinitarian Theology. 

  • Part One: The Word of the LORD and Abraham,

  • Part Two: The Word of the LORD and Samuel

  • Part Three: The Word of the LORD and Jeremiah.

  • Part Four: The Angel of the LORD and Abraham

  • Part Five: The Angel of the LORD and Jacob,

  • Part Six: The Angel of the LORD and Moses

  • Part Seven: The Angel of the LORD and Joshua

  • Part Eight: The Gideon.

Coming Soon: The Beauty of The Triune God

This blog will still center on knowing the God of the Bible. We are also discovering the Old Testament roots of Trinitarian Theology through the use of Old Testament Titles such as: The Son of Man; The Word; The Cloud Rider and The Son of David. We will move into the New Testament to see how the writers used Old Testament scriptures as well as the scriptural record of Jesus speaking of Himself.

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